Time for the next chapter of Koshow Showshow’s delicious new tankoubon. This chapter is entitled “Something Missing,” and is about a frustrated wife. Enjoy! (more…)
This doujin came out shortly before C78. I also have UniniGumi’s C78 doujin to scan, but I like this one more. Enjoy! (more…)
Have I mentioned i love Koshow Showshow? :) Here’s the second chapter of his latest book (translation thanks to SaHa again), and this title is called “Chief Makihara’s Quota.” In this chapter, a section chief is held to her drunken promise to let her staff have sex with her if they manage to make their monthly quota. I wouldn’t mind working for her, let me tell you… Enjoy! (more…)
Here are two more chapters of Labyrinth of Shame, translated by desudesu. The first chapter, titled “Bitch Lady” involves a woman who takes her unruly dog to a trainer and ends up getting trained herself. No dogsex, though, which kinda takes some of the fun out of it. The second chapter is “Together with Onii-chan,” which is a fairly typical incest story (and very tame for Mon-Mon), but ends on a note I WISH would be continued. Enjoy! (more…)
Not quite a C78 release, but here’s a nice new one from ToddSpecial, featuring a really hot futa (love her outfit!). It also contains her fucking a shota, which I could do without, but her hotness makes up for it. I love her expression on page 11. (more…)
Well, some of you have waited more patiently than others for this, but now it is here! Dulce Report 12 (although not translated yet; I have commissioned it, so be patient), all nice and futa-y, just for you, my loyal leechers! (And now to wait for the inevitable “WHERE IS 13” to show up in comments…)
Apparently someone else made a really crappy scan of this, JUST so they could claim “first!” (The Killshock of doujin scanning? I’ll let you all decide…) This is why I don’t particularly care about being first (although it usually means the other scan will always be the most distributed one…); I’d rather do it right than be fast. You’ll probably see some other C78 rescans come out of here in the coming months; at this point I almost don’t even bother paying attention to what is already done.
Blathering aside, Enjoy this one (futa orgies and cattle prods, oh my!). I know I did, and am looking forward to SaHa sending me the finished translation. (more…)
Some rescans I promised a while ago. I’d even said I was going to commission them once I got scans done, but someone else got tired of waiting I guess. Anyway, I’m getting them re-edited, so I’ll release them when they’re done. (more…)
Another new C78 scan, this time from the awesome One Seven, who does doujins primarily based on 80s and 90s mecha anime. This time, he presents a VOTOMS doujin, with the first half featuring Chirico Cuvie and the lovely Fyana. I’ve been wanting a good doujin featuring Fyana for YEARS. The second part features one of the side stories that I am not very familiar with.
Mmmm, Fyana. :9 (more…)
One of my favorite artists, Simosi, updated his website with some more really awesome artwork. The first one is called “Coral,” while the second one is the Witch class from Tactics Ogre. Mmm, witchy goodness!
And now, time for some more delicious Mon-Mon pr0ns! This time it is a public sex/exhibitionism chapter entitled “The Price of Adultery.” Enjoy! (more…)
As I promised, here’s Fatapulse’s copybon from C78. Enjoy! (more…)
I got some of my C78 doujins in, and here’s the first of them. This is Fatalpulse’s latest Victim Girls doujin, based on Working!!! (which I dunno if it is a game, manga, anime, or what). I love his art, but I wish he’d do some more “happy sex” doujins and fewer abusive/degrading ones. Also, there was a lot of printing schmutz on this doujin, which made it rather annoying to clean. I’ll have the copybon ready to go tomorrow. Anyway, enjoy! (more…)
My Megaupload account appears to have been hit by a link deleter, so virtually all of my MU links no longer work. In the coming days, I’ll probably reupload some of the recent ones, but I also decided to start maintaining a Hotfile folder, so it is easier to access all the older downloads. It should also be easier to maintain. Currently, all I’ve put in the folder are the files I currently had on Hotfile, but I’ll get the rest up there over the next week or so.
Hotfile Archive Folder
Megaupload Archive Folder
I may add some subfolders to better sort it at some point. Please feel free to suggest your personal preference for how the files are sorted. Also once I have everything uploaded, let me know if anything is missing.
EDIT (09/23): The vast majority of files are up now, and I’ve added a Megaupload folder. There’s still some straggler files I’ve misplaced, but I’ll get them uploaded as soon as I can.
This is the start of a new commission of mine, with translation by SaHa. Koshow Showshow is one of my favorite mangakas, although it is extremely difficult to get a hold of his work, sadly. Most of his doujins, released under the circle Cobanzame, are in dire need of rescanning. This new tankoubon focuses on horny adult women with large breasts, such as OLs. This chapter, titled “Current Tokyo Job Search Situation,” features a newly-graduated woman, named Miki, staying with her friend’s brother while she looks for a job, and decides to offer her “services” as rent. I’d certainly rent a room to her… Enjoy! (more…)
One thing I like about Skirt-tuki is that he’s one of the few artists who does work based on 80s anime. I much prefer his Gundam stuff, but the Dirty Pair doujins are great too. Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s a rescan of one of Mogudan’s C77 releases. I scanned it a while ago, but only got around to cleaning it recently. Enjoy! (more…)