Let’s all give thanks for a bountiful helping of porn on this fine day! This doujin features Ruri from Nadesico in a series of short stories (4-6 pages each or so); it may be a compilation of copybon or something. Too bad it has no futa for smekt. (more…)
Let’s all give thanks for a bountiful helping of porn on this fine day! Here’s another new doujin from Aki Kitahara/Secret Society M that I think was two individual copybon/short releases compiled into one book. It features characters from one of the Gundam Side Story manga series. Enjoy! (more…)
Don’t worry, there’s no actual burning in this doujin. It does contain Bakunyu Fullnerson’s deliciously drawn large breasts, though. Mmm, boobies. Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s another chapter of “Enticed by a Naughty Lady,” titled “Rookie Training.” This features another perennial favorite subject, the office lady who tries to seduce a newbie who is related to upper management. It has a cute ending, too, I thought. Mmm, naughty ladies. :9 Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s another new scan, just for smekt! It has his second favorite word after futa: flat! :D
I love Neriwasabi. He’s apparently publishing another volume of CarNavi-chan soon, too, so I’m looking forward to getting that. Enjoy! (more…)
This doujin was Cool Brain’s release at C77. I have a bunch more stuff by Cool Brain to scan, but a lot of it contains scat, unfortunately. This one doesn’t though. Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s another chapter of “Labyrinth of Shame,” with translation thanks to desudesu as usual. This chapter is called “My Boss Likes Cosplaying,” and is by far my favorite chapter. Sexy cosplay outfit, big breasts, glasses, and a hat with horns. All it needs is for Kasumi to sprout wings… :9 Anyway, enjoy! (more…)
Again, sorry for the long delay on getting out more chapters of this. Thanks again to SaHa for the translation, too, of course. This chapter is entitled “Noriko-san of the Toilet,” and is about a cleaning woman who cleans a guy up after he rushes into the restroom. There’s a fun little twist at the end, too. Enjoy! (more…)
Sorry for the long absence. I’ve been really busy and haven’t had a lot of time to work on scanning stuff. Anyway, here’s a new scan of UniniGumi’s C78 doujin. Enjoy!
Also, I got the new Behind Moon doujin, and I’ll be scanning and commissioning it soon. (more…)
Mmmm, yummy C78 ReDrop. The page join in this one was a pain, but I think it turned out pretty nice. Enjoy! (more…)
So I was thinking to myself, “I need some delicious elves to fap to.” Then I thought, “But I want some futa to fap to.” And then, wham! FUTAELVES APPEARED (in a shipping box from Japan, but that’s beside the point)! DELICIOUS FUTAELVES! FAP AWAY, MY MINIONS!
Okay, so you’re not really my minions. If you were, you’d all be doing my scanning and I’d be sitting back taking the credit. :o (more…)
Here’s my scan of Kensoh Ogawa’s C78 copybon. I believe the “you” in the title means the reader is supposed to insert themself into the story. Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s the last Insert doujin to post tonight. It’s another copybon from C78, featuring Mai from King of Fighters. Enjoy! (more…)
Okay, I said there were longer titles by Insert at C78, and this is it. It is the omake book for the game, and as such, its name is included, making the full title this:
“My Personal Big Breasted Masturbation Maid -Instant Perverted Blowjob Face Cosplay & Bukkake-Makeup Bride Chapter- C78 Omake Book”
WHEN WILL THE INSANITY END?! :) Anyway, enjoy this copybon. (more…)
These Insert titles are just getting ridiculously long and kludgey. I think he’s just slapping adjectives on for no reason now. ^^;; Anyway, this one is a bit different from my normal releases. This is, in fact, Insert’s h-game from C78. It’s more like an intereactive doujin, though, since there are no branching options, you just click anywhere or hit a key to advance it. Anyway, below the cut you’ll find a JPEG cg-rip, a PNG cg-rip (the original images were BMPs), and the game ISO itself (although I removed the Omake. It’s all the same art as in the cg-rip anyway. If you want it, buy the doujin game!). Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s an Insert copybon from C77. It seems to be introducing a new character, but I haven’t seen her in any of the main stories yet, to my knowledge. I’m on an Insert posting kick today, so expect some more after this. Enjoy! (more…)
Insert’s titles are getting Crazylong. Anyway, here’s his main doujin from C78; full color for your fapping pleasure! This doujin solely features Yuna of the main characters in the MPBBMM series; also note there is one page that features scat from an enema. Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s Yuki Yanagi’s latest doujin from C78, featuring a futa Chun-li screwing Juri, who I’m assuming is a new character. It’s not like I’ve played it since the SNES days… Anyway, enjoy your delicious Yuki Yanagi futa! (more…)