Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapter 17-18 [English]

HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Second

And now for the final two chapters of “Labyrinth of Shame,” translated of course by desudesu.  The first chapter, “The Girl Who Suddenly Visited One Night” is about a rather ditzy girl in an awesome outfit who comes knocking one evening.  This is another one of my favorite chapters.  The second chapter, “Rosebud,” is about a woman who goes to visit a hypnotherapist to overcome the feelings of disgust she feels when having sex with her husband.  This being Mon-Mon, I’m sure you can all guess where it leads…  Enjoy! (more…)

Koshow Showshow’s “Enticed By a Naughty Lady” Chapter 09-10 [English]

HAPPY BUNNY YEAR!  Now have some porn!
Part the First

Here are the final two chapters of “Enticed by a Naughty Lady,” translation thanks to SaHa, of course.  The first chapter, “Younger Sister-in-Law,” is about a man who discovers his sexy sister-in-law is performing the free health consultations at work.  Mmm, sexy sister-in-law is sexy.  The second chapter is one of my favorites.  It is called “Interview” and it is a deeply thoughtful investigation of how the bad economy is affecting the adult film industry.  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapter 16 [English]

Here’s another chapter of Mon-Mon’s Labyrinth of shame, translated by desudesu as usual.  This chapter, “I’m Buying Tsukumogamis,” centers around a young bookseller who cleanses books of mischievous spirits; an accident caused by a customer releases a bunch of them from a box of porn.  I think you know where this is going…

In unrelated news, there is a release date of February 23rd for the Xenogears Orchestral Album.  I hate waiting.  :(


Koshow Showshow’s “Enticed By a Naughty Lady” Chapter 08 [English]

This next chapter (“Useless Man”) of “Enticed by a Naughty Lady” features yet another sexy office lady.  In this case, Chief Manada is a hard-ass on her subordinate Nishimura.  Believing it to be because she is sexually frustrated, Nishimura decides to try to remedy the situation himself.  I like how the ending to this one played out.  :)  My thanks go again to SaHa for translating it.  Enjoy! (more…)

Behind Moon’s “The Maiden Raping My Sister 2 ~Futanari Elder~”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Eleventh

Here’s Behind Moon’s latest doujin, which is a sequel to the earlier doujin, “The Maiden Raping My Sister.”  Mmm, delicious schoolgirl futasex!  I’ve commissioned SaHa to translate this doujin, so I’ll get it posted when he finishes it.  I also noticed Behind Moon announced Dulce Report 13 for C79, so as soon as I’ll be getting that, scanning, and commissioning it, so look forward to it!  Enjoy!

I’ve also ordered a number of other C79 doujins, including the new Nao Kokonoki, so look forward to those scans, too! (more…)

Koshow Showshow’s “Enticed By a Naughty Lady” Chapter 07 [English]

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Tenth

Here’s another chapter of “Enticed by a Naughty Lady,” translated by SaHa.  This chapter is entitled “Sawaki-san Makes Up Her Mind!” and features a sexy supervisor who tries to teach her subordinates about being more confident at work. (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapters 14-15 [English]

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Ninth

Here are two more chapters of Labyrinth of Shame translated by desudesu; the titles for these chapters are “The Secret Garden” and “Etude of the Flesh.” The first story is about a guy who tricks his cousin into having sex with him by saying it is a therapy to help her “abnormal” pussy.  This is one of the better chapters in the book, probably my second favorite.  Kana is deliciously hot.  :9  The second chapter is about a woman who joins a very unusual singing group.  I wouldn’t mind having one of them sing for me…  Enjoy! (more…)

Kunihiko Tanaka’s “One Visions Vol.3”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Eighth

I love Kunihiko Tanaka.  :D  This is another of his fairly rare sketch doujins.  Enjoy! (more…)

Type.90’s “Petite Empire 2009 Winter”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Seventh

Here’s another Type.90 doujin for your fapping pleasure.  This is by far one of the best doujins he has done, IMO.  I’ll probably commission it sometime soon. Enjoy! (more…)

Mogudan’s “Extra Book 2”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Sixth

Here’s another Mogudan scan, this time a copybon.  Enjoy! (more…)

Type.90’s “Empire Hard Core 2009 Summer”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Fifth

Type.90 doujins feature some of the best gangbangs and completely-fucked expressions around. Enjoy this one! (more…)

Mogudan’s “Ayanami Chapter 3 Prebook”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Fourth

Here’s a rescan of a somewhat recent Mogudan book.  Enjoy! (more…)

Bang-You’s “H Complex”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Third

Let’s keep the party going here, with a third doujin primarily featuring Bang-You and characters from Hellsing. Enjoy! (more…)

UniniGumi’s “UDF”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Second

This is a slightly odd release because I accidentally posted it in the archives a little while ago without realizing I had not formally posted it, so for everyone other than the 60 people who already got it, here it is! Enjoy some yummy full color Dragon Quest porn! (more…)

Jamming’s “Galaxy Songstress’ Leaked Film”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The First

It’s another Christmas, so it is time for more delicious scans! First up is a great MacF doujin featuring Sheryl in a sexy costume participating in an AV. Enjoy! (more…)

Toshiki Yui’s “Mai no Heya” Volume 1 Complete [English]

Here’s a compilation of volume one of Mai no Heya (chapters 1-13).  Includes the front and back matter, covers, etc.  Thanks to Conan for compiling this.  Enjoy! (more…)

Toshiki Yui’s “Mai no Heya” Chapter 13 [English]

Kame to the rescue!  In a very sexy outfit, too, I might add.  :9  Translation by Nameless Translator and editing by Conan, as usual.  Enjoy! (more…)

Toshiki Yui’s “Mai no Heya” Chapter 12 [English]

Here’s a tasty little after-thanksgiving treat!  Another chapter of Toshiki Yui’s ecchi manga “Mai no Heya,” and this time its a shaving party!  Translation courtesy of 0405 (who is busy with “studying,” whatever that is!) and editing by Conan from 4dawgz.  Enjoy! (more…)

Koshow Showshow’s “Enticed By a Naughty Lady” Chapter 06 [English]

Let’s all give thanks for a bountiful helping of porn on this fine day!  For dessert we have some delicious “Enticed by a Naughty Lady,” translation by SaHa as usual.  This chapter is called “A Not So Pure Night” and features a nice story about a rather dense office worker and the OL he ends up inviting over to his apartment.  One thing I like about this book is that all the chapters so far have been pretty lacking in real negativity and rather humorous.  Enjoy! (more…)

Skirt-tuki’s “Sayla’s Sexual Excitement”

Let’s all give thanks for a bountiful helping of porn on this fine day!  Let’s have a second helping of Gundam porn, this time from the EFSF side.  :)  Mmm, tasty Sayla Mass.  Enjoy! (more…)