Sorry for the small hiatus. I’ve been sick lately. Anyway, here’s a new doujin by Ryoji (a.k.a. Attic Work Space), the second in his Kemomimi series. This one is about a guy who is lost in a jungle, and runs out of water, only to be saved by a very naive tiger girl. Mmm, tiger girls. Enjoy! (more…)
My latest commission from SaHa is one of my recent scans. Mmm, delicious Natsumi!
Also, I apparently goofed on the raw’s title since I didn’t realize the manga for Keroro used pokopen rather than pekopon. If you downloaded the raw, go ahead and rename the folder and files.
In other news, Dulce Report 13, along with a whole bunch of other C79 releases, should be arriving soon, so I’ll be getting that commissioned as soon as I get it scanned. I also fixed the broken image links in Google’s RSS reader; if anyone uses another RSS reader, email me and I’ll see if I can get that fixed, too.
Now, enjoy your delicious Natsumi! (more…)
Here’s a C79 rescan, now with 100% less watermark! In this chapter, we get some fun cosplay incest fun! I’ll be adding this to my list of commissions, too. Mmm, Insert. :9 Enjoy! (more…)
One of the issues with a system that allows voting to alter attributes of user uploaded data, is that it is very easy for incorrect information to get propagated. As an example, this upload of mine on e-hentai got renamed to C79… DESPITE ME BUYING IT IN JULY. Besides that, it came out BEFORE C77. Yeah, I guess someone looked at the upload date rather than the published date. Yep, gotta love idiots.
Anyway, here’s a new C79 scan; all Bang-You for the win. Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s another C79 scan; this time a yummy full color Mujoh! I love Mujoh’s art. He draws wonderful soft women. :9 Enjoy! (more…)
Okay, rant time. This may piss some people off, but fuck it, I don’t care. Now, as anyone who has downloaded my scans probably realizes, I like high-quality, high-resolution scans. That’s not to say I turn up my nose at anything that doesn’t meet my level of quality (let’s face it, there aren’t many scanners out there who produce to that level); however, I do think there should be a minimal acceptable level. Part of the reason for this is because any time a scan comes out for an artist or circle I like that ISN’T at that minimum level, I feel a need to rescan; I’d actually rather not have to do that. I’d rather spend my time scanning stuff that hasn’t been scanned before. So when I see a scanner releasing wave after wave of new books that are whipped out with virtually no attempt taken to clean the scans in what seems to me an effort to do the equivalent of posting “first!” in a forum thread or blog comment section, as well as capturing a lion’s share of pay-per downloads. I think it makes it even worse that donations were solicited beforehand; I’ll admit I didn’t pay a great deal of attention to the effort, but I don’t recall any disclaimer saying the donations would be used to make *crappy* scans. I honestly expected reasonable quality scans out of the project (at a level of typical Japanese scanners, at least); I might even have donated were I not a scanner myself with plans to purchase and scan books of my own. However, if I had donated, I would certainly be asking for a refund at this point. I would have expected reasonable quality, even if it meant a slower release schedule. I also found the attitude of the scanner to be particularly galling; in essence, it was “it sucks the quality has to be so low, but that’s the way it has to be to get them out fast.” Well, why do you have to get them out fast? To beat your “competition”? I honestly just don’t get it.
Now, some of you may be thinking “So what if they’re low quality? Someone else will rescan it.” However, as with bad translations, a poor scan drops the chances of getting a reasonable scan (let-alone a high-quality one) to near nil. There are VERY few rescanners out there besides me; most people would rather scan something new, afterall, and can you really blame them? The first scan out will pretty much always be the primary one floating around, and will almost always get more hits/downloads/etc. and is more likely to be the version translated, and then it is very unlikely to get re-edited using the higher quality scans. The only real exception to this, IMO, should be new scanners who are trying (and willing!) to learn to scan better; it is a learning process, and it takes time.
Anyway, now that the rant is out of the way, on to the doujin. This one is an anthology, and features primarily a Dragonball story by Bang-You. I guess the woman’s name is Lunch or something. I dunno, I’m not a Dragonball fan. Bang-You needs to do some delicious Sayla or Rosamia pr0ns one of these days. :D There’s some other shorts by other artists as well. Anyway, enjoy! (more…)
This C78 release is a compilation of Kensoh Ogawa’s five Mai HiME/Otome doujins. Three of the stories have been translated, so I’m going to get this volume re-edited and finished off. Also, my next few releases will be C79 stuff (some today, the rest throughout next week), including Insert’s latest, so look forward to those. Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s something interesting for you all. Piggstar’s non-hentai circle released this book with six short side stories from Daphne in the Brilliant Blue. They’re really fun, and we have a translation in the works. Enjoy! (more…)
Punny title is punny! I love Motchie. He really is one of the better artists out there, IMO. I’ll be rescanning a bunch of his older stuff in the coming months/year, so keep an eye out for them. I’m sure you’re all eagerly anticipating hi-res scans of his Gold-E series! :) Anyway, enjoy some Mai pr0ns! (more…)
Some you readers may wonder why I translate the titles of my scans rather than use the romaji like so many others do. There’s a pretty simple reason, as explained to me by a friend who is very proficient in Japanese. He pointed out that romaji is useless. If you don’t know Japanese, then it is essentially gibberish; the only thing it may do for you is help you (badly) pronounce the title. If you DO know Japanese, romaji isn’t gibberish, but it doesn’t help you read it, either, since the same romaji syllables can be used for a number of kanji that often mean very different things. So you’d want to see the original kana or kanji instead. This is the reasoning behind my use of translated titles. The main reason I am mentioning this is because there are asome extremely silly people over at e-hentai (hate the place, but I figured I might as well get the points for my stuff rather than someone else) who apparently insist that romaji is the only correct way. So, if you agree with me (or just want to be a dick on e-hentai), please petition some of my scans for renaming back to their translated names. :)
Also, a crapton of stuff I ordered from C79 has already been scanned, so I guess I’m once again going to be Mr. Quality Rescan Guy.
Anyway, here is another new scan, once again a doujin by Maidoll. This is a followup to Twin Monogatari, and features some delicious busty catgirl (maybe…) sex. I really can’t decide which of the two books I like better, to be honest. They’re both fantastic. I’m looking forward her C79 books. Enjoy! (more…)
I’ve had this sitting around for a while and kept forgetting to post it. :) It’s just a short but cute K-On copybon from Haruki Genia. Enjoy! (more…)
HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Tenth
And now for the finale. While not the best release of the day, I thought it appropriate to save it for the last, as it features bunnygirls, and this IS the year of the rabbit. This is a futa doujin featuring the girls from Haruhi. Also, don’t mind the odd file numbering; the color pages were 1-4 and the b&w pages started at 3 (although you can’t see them for the most part since they were right at the very edge of the paper, and that tends to get cut off from overscan and ragged page edges), almost as if the color pages were added as an afterthought. Anyway, enjoy your bunnygirls! (more…)
HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Eighth
Okay, we’re nearing the climax of our celebration, which is the perfect time to post some awesome Bakunyu Fullnerson Bayonetta porn! I’ll definitely be commissioning this soon, so watch for it. Enjoy! (more…)
HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Seventh
Here’s something from a fairly new artist. Her artwork is really nice and well done, and feature terrific breasts. I especially like the maid outfit in this doujin. :D Enjoy! (more…)
HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Sixth
I’m sure I’ve mentioned before how much I love Nao Kokonoki. :D Anyway, this is an older doujin of his that I managed to find and scan, and I’ve also commissioned a translation, so watch for that in the near future. I’ve also gotten ahold of all five volumes of Lucrecia and ordered his C79 doujin, so watch for those too. Now, enjoy some delicious Natsumi! (more…)
HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Fifth
EDIT (6:54pm): There was an issue with the file numbering, which caused a replacement of one of the files with a corrected file for a different page. If you’ve already downloaded it, please re-download it to get all the corrections. Sorry! ^^;;
Still a ways to go today, so let’s keep on fappin’. Next up is another translation courtesy of desudesu, of Bakunyu Fullnerson’s latest Queen’s Blade book. He really does draw some of the best breasts around, doesn’t he? Interestingly, I noticed the other day that he has done more futa manga than futa doujinshi by far, which is the reverse of what I’d expect. Enjoy! (more…)
HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Fourth
Motchie plus 80s anime chicks? I’m so there. Mmmm, delicious Chara Soon. I was really hoping this would be a series of actual stories, though, rather than short montages. :( Oh well, it’s still awesome, and he is interested in the characters, so maybe we’ll see something at an upcoming event. This doujin contains delicious Dirty Pair, Patlabor, Gundam, and L-Gaim girls, amongst others. So delicious. Also, I think this has more fetishes for it’s page count than any other doujin I’ve seen. Enjoy! (more…)
HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Third
These three volumes of The Animalm@ster were translated by SaHa before I could get them scanned and commissioned, so Rarzor was kind enough to do the re-editing once I completed them. Anyway, enjoy your hi-res cosplay pr0ns!
Incidentally, I’ve got a bunch of recent Alice no Takarabako to scan/rescan, and I ordered all of his C79 stuff, so expect a flood of delicious scans in the next few months. I’ll probably commission a lot of them, too. (more…)