Bakunyu Fullnerson’s “Now Aging…”

Here’s another new scan, this time Bakunyu Fullnerson’s C79 doujin, and is once again a Dragon Quest doujin. Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “DQ Ero Dance!!”

Here’s another new scan from Alice no Takarabako. This doujin features some of the Dragon Quest girls in a strip/sex club. It really needed to be longer though. Enjoy! (more…)

Chiba Toshirou’s “Candy House” Ch.01 [English]

Here’s the latest tankoubon I’m commissioning from desudesu. This is Chiba Toshirou’s latest book, which I knew I had to commission just from the previews I saw on Mangaoh (I actually haven’t even looked through the rest of the chapters; I’ll be reading it as I get the chapters from desudesu). If chapter 1 (which is titled “Doki Doki School Admission Celebration”) is any indication, this will be awesome, though.  :D Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “4C High MC High Color Edition” [English]

Xavier over at LWB was nice enough to send me a copy of the 4C High to host here on my blog, so here it is. It’s hi-res, and slightly different than the one hosted at LWB, but not content-wise, so if you already got it from them, you’re not missing anything. Anyway, head over to their site to say thanks! In other news, I’m working on a pretty substantial stack of doujins, including C79 stuff, so keep an eye out for it (although it may take a week or so before I can get them posted). Enjoy! (more…)

Nao Kokonoki’s “Princess of Darkness” [English]

Poor Yurika.  :(  I’m watching for more old Nao Kokonoki doujins, but silly Y!J sellers and their prices of 6000+ yen. I’m not (yet, at least) willing to pay that. I did manage to score some older Koshow Showshow stuff, though. Keep an eye out for it.  :D Thanks as usual go to SaHa for the translation of this one. Enjoy! (more…)

Todd Special’s “Blue Reflection”

Here’s a C79 rescan for you all. It isn’t as awesomely sexy as the Nier doujin ToddSpecial did a little while ago, but it’s still hot. Plus, Selvaria. :9 Enjoy! (more…)

Ryoji’s “Kemomimi! 2” [English]

So Chiba Toshirou has a new tankoubon out.  I think I’ll commission it as soon as scans appear (may scan it myself if none show up soon or they really suck…). Mmm, delicious Chiba Toshirou.

Anyway, thanks again go to desudesu for translating this so quick. Tigergirl sex is always great, eh?  :D  Enjoy! (more…)

Skirt-tuki’s “AEUG at Night” [English]

Here’s another translation courtesy of desudesu. Y’know, I wonder if Skirt-tuki will ever do any Zeta doujins with Rosamia, or any Double Zeta doujins with Chara Soon. No one ever does my favorite characters.  :( (more…)

Behind Moon’s “Dulce Report 13” [English]

And here it is!  Thanks again to SaHa for the translation, too, of course. In this chapter, we really get some major plot points.  It looks like things are finally coming to a head, and I predict we only have a few more issues to go before it is all wrapped up. Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “4C High MC High Color Edition”

I’m really turning into an Alice no Takarabako scanning machine lately.  I’ve got five more of his doujins waiting to be scanned, too.  Anyway, this is a full color chapter in the MC High series that LWB has been translating.  It seems like a sidestory, but I’m not sure.  Also, I think the main character looks cuter and sexier in her uniform with blue eyes.  :o  Anyway, enjoy! (more…)

Unlimited’s “Ball Festival – Masturbation Maid’s Truth (?)”

Here’s another doujin from Insert, this time published under his penname Unlimited, which he uses when he does TG/shemale type stuff. This doujin is a joke of sorts on his Masturbation Maid series. Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “The Doujin Also Known As The Speed Of Light”

Here’s another Alice no Takarabako doujin, this time based on FF13. Enjoy! (more…)

Hirohito Tokie’s “Hazard Level 5”

Sadly, the printing on this doujin is not up to snuff.  The lines are really light. Anyway, it’s still Hirohito Tokie, so it’s great.  I think it’s a Resident Evil doujin, based solely on the weirdness and the wormy-brooch-thing, which I think I saw in another doujin labeled as RE.  Anyway, enjoy! (more…)

Zen9’s “Breeding x Sisters”

My second Zen9 doujin, woo!  The first one was the awesome BoF3 doujin I posted years ago, which is one of my all time favorite doujins (delicious Momo!). Anyway, this includes double-dicked lizardmen, which, while awesome, aren’t quite as awesome as Momo. Enjoy! (more…)

U.R.C.’s “Peach Hunt Afterwards”

Here’s another scan for the evening, this time from URC.  Enjoy! (more…)

Nao Kokonoki’s “Princess of Darkness”

Here’s a little blast from the past. Some delicious Nao Kokonoki Nadesico Movie porn! I really need to get all his other old doujins and rescan them, too. They’re not easy to find though.  :(  Anyway, this is actually the reprint version, so the cover is textured rather than glossy (the Keroro one is the same way). How do I know?  I accidentally double ordered the first volume of Lucrecia and got one of each.  Anyway, I’ll be scanning that whole series sometime before spring, so look for it here. I’ve commissioned a translation of this one, too. Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “NTR Rinko Plus”

Here’s the third of Alice no Takarabako’s Love Plus NTR doujins; each one is basically the same but with a different girl and different text.  Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “NTR Nene Plus”

Here’s the second of Alice no Takarabako’s Love Plus NTR doujins; each one is basically the same but with a different girl and different text.  Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “NTR Manaka Plus”

Okay, got some more scans finished and uploaded, so it’s time to post! Here’s one of Alice no Takarabako’s Love Plus NTR doujins; each one is basically the same but with a different girl and different text.  Enjoy! (more…)

Behind Moon’s “Dulce Report 13”

Here it is!  Dulce Report 13, the continuing tale of delicious alien futa! As you might expect, I have commissioned SaHa to translate it; I’ll post it when he finishes, so look forward to it. There definitely looks to be quite a bit of story development in this volume. We might even be nearing the end. Enjoy! (more…)