ReDrop’s “Spring’s Chun-Li Book”

Here’s another new scan, this time a Redrop doujin featuring Chun-Li and Viper. I have the copybon that goes with it, but haven’t scanned it yet, so keep an eye out for it maybe next week or something. Also, I have some other really good things coming up soon, including some new Yuki Yanagi. Excited yet? (more…)

Todd Special’s “Golden NTR Theater”

And I am back from vacation! I’m kicking off with this doujin because of a brief conversation I had with a woman wearing a nice Dynasty Warriors cosplay (Getsu Ei/Yue Ying I think) and buying a URC doujin featuring the same character (bubbadg will be rescanning it eventually, btw); she mentioned she really liked ToddSpecial as well, so here’s a new one for her! (more…)


Hey all, just a quick update. I was working on some unrelated projects, and had a major computer hardware failure, so everything is on hold right now. I’ll update when I have a better idea of how things are looking.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATE (June 4): Good news is I’m getting everything back in order and will have some stuff to post soon. Bad news is the hardware failure resulted in a corruption of most of my archive PNGs, which isn’t THAT big a loss, as the JPG versions are all still available on the intarwebs. Also lost most of the stuff I’ve downloaded over the past couple years, but all that means is that i don’t have to sort it, yay! I did not lose any unposted scans, so worry not in that regard.

UPDATE TO THE UPDATED UPDATE (July 4): I’ve been at AX on vacation since I posted my batch of stuff last week; just wanted to mention I’ll have a few good scans to post when I return. As I said, though, I’ve had some unexpected expenses over the past few months, so my C80 order will be smaller than I’d like. I will be getting some of the usual suspects for sure (Maidoll, Insert, etc.), but if you’d like to see more of what I normally scan, please donate!

Toranoana’s “Shinzui New Life Ver. Vol.2” [Eng]

Here’s another translation courtesy of SaHa! This is another Toranoana anthology, although it is all original work this time. The main reason I got it translated was for the Nao Kokonoki story; everything else is just a bonus. The aother artists within this anthology are Shinozuka Atsuto, Norakuro Nero, Amano Kazumi, and clover. Enjoy! (more…)

Toranoana’s “Prison Battleship Anthology ~Inhuman Brainwashing Voyage~” [English]

Here’s another new scan and translation, courtesy of desudesu. This is one of the anthologies published by Toranoana; this one features four stories based on the Prison Battleship game and features four artists, most of whom should be familiar to you all. The artists featured are Mizuryu Kei (Alice no Takarabako), Yamamura Natsuri, Zol (Veto), and B-River. Enjoy! (more…)

Kazuki Kotobuki’s “Climax Ecstacy”

I’m at AX for the next week, so after I finish posting stuff, I’ll probably not have anything new to post until I get home.

However, today I do have some delicious new Kazuki Kotobuki pr0ns for you! Enjoy your femdom Bayonetta! (more…)

Chiba Toshirou’s “Candy House” Complete [English]

Sorry for the long hiatus;  See my earlier posts for details.

Here are the final chapters of Candy House, with a really great ending if you ask me. It is followed by a short full color chapter and a two-chapter story in a similar vein. Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “MC High”

I’m back, after much too long of a hiatus! I apologize for it; as I mentioned in my update post the machine I do storage and posting from (although not the one I scan from, luckily) had some epic hardware failure. Unfortunately, getting everything back up and running took a very long time and was very expensive (took the opportunity to invest in some upgrades and REAL BACKUPS, natch). Bad news is that this means I will probably not be able to afford to buy much from C80. I do have a lot of older stuff to scan too, though.

All that aside, I have some new scans for you all! First up are high-res rescans of the first three chapters of “MC High” from Alice no Takarabako. Enjoy! (more…)

Fukudahda – Soushisouai Note Nisatsume

I was asked to do an introduction, so here it is.

Hello! I scan mangos. Have some Fukudahda.

Bakunyu Fullnerson’s “Paradise?” [English]

Here’s a new translation, commissioned by me of desudesu and edited by Club Cowslip. Enjoy delicious translated lollipop sounding! You know you love it. (more…)

Chiba Toshirou’s “Candy House” Ch.05-06 [English]

Today is my blog’s birthday! Where are my presents? :D

There really is not a single bad chapter in this book. The first of these two (“Spartan Tutor”) features a really sexy busty, megane teacher (you knew there had to be one, right?) with a braid. I love long hair in a single braid. :9 Oh, and knee-high boots. The second of the two chapters (“Service Cyclone”) has the student council president move in as a maid, and she reveals a big secret.

Chiba Toshirou really does have a talent for drawing awesomely sexy women, eh?

I got another batch of doujins in today, including C79 stuff. Some of the other stuff I got was quite a few old Koshow Showshow tankoubons and doujins. Look for translations of them over the next year or so.

Lastly, it looks like Chiba Toshirou’s next doujin is Ranma 1/2. And here’s some art by another one of my favorite artists. (more…)

Pish Lover’s “Delicious Milk”

Today is my blog’s birthday! Where are my presents? :D

I bought this doujin on a lark, since I didn’t recognize the circle or artist at first, but holy shit did this turn out to be a great buy. It’s one of my top ten doujins of C79, and has what is quite possibly the hottest Stocking I’ve seen yet.

I will *definitely* be commissioning a translation of this one.  :9 (more…)

Yuki Yanagi’s “Female Warrior and Fate of the World”

Today is my blog’s birthday! Where are my presents? :D

Here’s Yuki Yanagi’s latest doujin from C79, featuring the warrior woman and the shota fighter from Dragon Quest who seem to be really popular these days… Enjoy! (more…)

Aerial Rave’s “Seraphic Gate”

Today is my blog’s birthday! Where are my presents?  :D

This doujin features Seraphita from Xenogears getting non-stop tentacle raped by Wels. It’s pretty awesome. Although I’d like to see a futa orgy featuring all of the Elements… Anyway, Enjoy! (more…)

Shunjyo Shusuke’s “Maria’s Desire”

Today is my blog’s birthday! Where are my presents?  :D

I had no idea Shunjyo Shusuke did doujins before I saw this one (and another one I’ll be working on eventually). Anyway, if you like dominating, horny women, this doujin is for you. Enjoy! (more…)

Maidoll’s “Kiss of the Dead”

Today is my blog’s birthday! Where are my presents?  :D

Have I mentioned how much I love Maidoll’s artwork? Her stuff is just *gorgeous.* This is one of the hottest High School of the Dead doujins I’ve seen. Naked-apron Busujima is delicious~ (more…)

Chiba Toshirou’s “Candy House” Ch.03-04 [English]

Here are two more chapters of Candy House; translated of course by desudesu. Chapter 3 is titled “Secret Practice,” and we get introduced to a new character, Yasumoto; she is yet another childhood friend of Sanpei. She, of course, ends up having sex with him. The fourth chapter (which actually has no title due to an apparent printing error; it has chapter 3’s title) is a real treat. It’s basically just a nonstop fuckfest, and has a whole slew of new characters: a really hot megane doctor (probably my favorite character after Kamiya) and a bunch of sexy nurses. Mmmm, so sexy~! Enjoy! (more…)

Uran-Factory’s “Go! Go! Ranking”

Here’s another scan for the evening, this time featuring the samurai-mascot girls from the variety show Onegai Ranking, drawn really sexily by Uran. Enjoy! (more…)

Skirt-tuki’s “Insertion Into a Hot Body”

Here’s another rescan, this time from C78. Not much to say, other than Fa in winter gear is cute~. Enjoy! (more…)

Chiba Toshirou’s “Candy House” Ch.02 [English]

Here’s the second chapter of Candy House, titled “Naughty Formalities.” Translated again by desudesu, this chapter features Sanpei going in to meet his father’s former assistant for “enrollment formalities.”  I should go add that to Urban Dictionary as a euphemism for sex… Enjoy your sexy dominating megane~! (more…)