Archive for the 'Original' Category
Koshow Showshow’s “Enticed By a Naughty Lady” Chapter 02 [English]

Have I mentioned i love Koshow Showshow?  :)  Here’s the second chapter of his latest book (translation thanks to SaHa again), and this title is called “Chief Makihara’s Quota.”  In this chapter, a section chief is held to her drunken promise to let her staff have sex with her if they manage to make their monthly quota.  I wouldn’t mind working for her, let me tell you…  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapters 08-09 [English]

Here are two more chapters of Labyrinth of Shame, translated by desudesu.  The first chapter, titled “Bitch Lady” involves a woman who takes her unruly dog to a trainer and ends up getting trained herself.  No dogsex, though, which kinda takes some of the fun out of it.  The second chapter is “Together with Onii-chan,” which is a fairly typical incest story (and very tame for Mon-Mon), but ends on a note I WISH would be continued.  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapter 07 [English]

One of my favorite artists, Simosi, updated his website with some more really awesome artwork.  The first one is called “Coral,” while the second one is the Witch class from Tactics Ogre.  Mmm, witchy goodness!

And now, time for some more delicious Mon-Mon pr0ns!  This time it is a public sex/exhibitionism chapter entitled “The Price of Adultery.”  Enjoy! (more…)

Koshow Showshow’s “Enticed By a Naughty Lady” Chapter 01 [English]

This is the start of a new commission of mine, with translation by SaHa.  Koshow Showshow is one of my favorite mangakas, although it is extremely difficult to get a hold of his work, sadly.  Most of his doujins, released under the circle Cobanzame, are in dire need of rescanning.  This new tankoubon focuses on horny adult women with large breasts, such as OLs.  This chapter, titled “Current Tokyo Job Search Situation,” features a newly-graduated woman, named Miki, staying with her friend’s brother while she looks for a job, and decides to offer her “services” as rent.  I’d certainly rent a room to her…  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapter 06 [English]

Here’s another chapter of delicious Mon Mon kinky sluts, translated by desudesu.  This chapter features a woman who wants to go out with her boyfriend rather than staying in, which leads to exhibitionism, of course!  Enjoy! (more…)

Insert’s “My Personal Big Breasted Masturbation Maid -Loaning Chapter-” [English]

Here’s another re-edit of one of my scans someone commissioned from SaHa.  Once again, thanks to Rarzor for doing the editing.  Enjoy!


Mogudan’s “Didn’t Make It In Time For Publication Book – Cat Punch BatsuBatsu”

Here’s a rescan of one of Mogudan’s C77 releases.  I scanned it a while ago, but only got around to cleaning it recently.  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapters 04-05 [English]

Two new chapters of delicious Mon-Mon sex for you all, translated by desudesu.  The first chapter features a seemingly standard NTR story but with a twist, while the second features a horny, pervy teacher.  My favorite kind!  Enjoy! (more…)

Q’s “Futanari Erection Girl” Chapter 06/Complete [English]

And now for the last chapter, “Lively Poolside,” and the complete book, for Q’s “Futanari Erection Girl!”  This chapter is my favorite; the character design for Miki in particular is gorgeous.  I’d be quite happy if she made an appearance in Dulce Report.  :9  Thanks, of course, go to SaHa for the translation.  Enjoy!

Incidentally, Dulce Report 12 came out this past weekend at C78.  As soon as I get it, I’ll be scanning it and commissioning a translation, so look forward to it. (more…)

Insert’s “Everyone’s Big Breasted Masturbation Maid” [English]

A while ago, two Insert doujins were commissioned from SaHa; one was not my scan and lower res, and the other WAS my scan, but it was a shitty e-hentai resized version.  Here is the first of the two, re-edited by rarzor, using my hi-res scans.

In other news, you may have noticed C78 was this past weekend.  I’ve ordered Insert’s releases, so look forward to scans of them in the coming weeks.  I also just finished cleaning the last of a new batch of scans, so I’ll probably be kicking them off tonight or tomorrow.  Some are new, some are rescans, and some are AWESOME. (more…)

Q’s “Futanari Erection Girl” Chapter 05 [English]

Here’s another chapter of delicious Q girlcocks.  This chapter, titled “Roommate,” features two girls who are roommates in a boarding school.  One is rather domineering and decides to play the role of teacher in order to help the other learn how to relax in a rather special way.  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapter 03 [English]

Time for another chapter of delicious Mon-Mon pr0n!  Translation by desudesu, as usual, this chapter is entitled “Ache.”  It features a woman who likes a little spice in her sex life, but her boyfriend doesn’t like it very much; she then runs off into the night and ends up discovering just how much of a pervert she really is.  Enjoy! (more…)

Toshiki Yui’s “Mai no Heya” Chapter 11 [English]

We’re up to chapter 11 now, and get introduced to a new character!  For what reason could she be stalking Kame?  You’ll have to read and find out!

Editing provided by Conan of 4dawgz and translation by Nameless Translator, as usual, of course.  Did I mention Nameless is too lazy to post these?  He *claims* he’s all busy and tired and stuff, but I suspect he’s just lazy.  He’s probably playing some new game or something.  That jerk!  (more…)

Toshiki Yui’s “Mai no Heya” Chapter 10 [English]

Here’s another new chapter of Toshiki Yui’s full color gag manga Mai no Heya.  In this episode, we discover something new about Kame’s personality…

I’m beginning to suspect this manga is an excuse to dress Kame up in sexy outfits…  :)  Translation is by Nameless Translator, of course, and thanks go to Conan of 4dawgz for the editing.  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapter 02 [English]

I’d planned to release this earlier this week, but wouldn’t you know it, we had a multi-day power outage.  Anyway, here’s the second chapter of Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame, entitled “Labyrinth of Lusts.”  It has kind of a mind-twisting ending.  Translation courtesy of desudesu, of course.  Enjoy! (more…)

Q’s “Futanari Erection Girl” Chapter 04 [English]

After a too-long hiatus (I keep forgetting to post more chapters…), I have another translated chapter of Futanari Erection Girl, titled “Stiff Council Chairman.”  Translation courtesy of SaHa, of course, this chapter features a private school health checkup for the health chairman, which of course involves taking detailed measurements with a very sensitive instrument.  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapter 01 [English]

Here’s my latest on-going commission, courtesy of desudesu.  This is Mon-Mon’s most recent tankoubon, so you can expect large breasts, light bondage and domination, etc.  Many of the chapters tend to be fairly short (eight to twelve pages or so), but the artwork is great.  This first chapter is full color, and titled “Rape Classroom,” so that pretty much speaks for itself.

Mon-Mon tends to be published in the magazine Hana-Man Gold, but I can’t recall ever seeing scans.  Does anyone happen to have any copies?

Anyway, enjoy!



hey translations

I’m so tired. :[


Jouji Manabe’s Untitled Shinzui 6 Chapter [English]

Here’s my latest commission from desudesu.  It’s a short one-shot by Jouji Manabe (aka Katsudon) about a frustrated housewife who misses sex with her husband.  It’s not an NTR story, though.  Enjoy! (more…)

Q’s “Futanari Erection Girl” Chapter 03 [English]

And now for another chapter of delicious Q girlcock!  Courtesy of SaHa, of course, this chapter is entitled “Secret Cum Mail,” and it features more well-endowed schoolgirls for your fapping pleasure.  Enjoy! (more…)