Archive for the 'Idolmaster' Category
Alice no Takarabako’s “The Animalm@ster Vol.4-6” [English]

HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Third

These three volumes of The Animalm@ster were translated by SaHa before I could get them scanned and commissioned, so Rarzor was kind enough to do the re-editing once I completed them.  Anyway, enjoy your hi-res cosplay pr0ns!

Incidentally, I’ve got a bunch of recent Alice no Takarabako to scan/rescan, and I ordered all of his C79 stuff, so expect a flood of delicious scans in the next few months.  I’ll probably commission a lot of them, too. (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “The Animalm@ster Vol.4-6”

Some rescans I promised a while ago.  I’d even said I was going to commission them once I got scans done, but someone else got tired of waiting I guess.  Anyway, I’m getting them re-edited, so I’ll release them when they’re done. (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “The Animalm@ster” Vols.2-3 [English]

So I was planning to commission these two once I finished the scans, but when I sent them off to desudesu, he informed me someone else had just commissioned them.  Since I’d finished them and they were higher res than the existing ones, I offered to re-edit the doujins for desudesu and do some QC.  Anyway, here they are!  Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “The Animalm@ster Vol.1” (English)

Here’s my latest commission, courtesy of desudesu.  The fetishes in this one are varied, including hypnotism, dog-girl cosplay, and wikipedia article on raising dogs.  Enjoy! (more…)

Alice no Takarabako’s “The Animalm@ster Vol.1”

Here’s the latest doujin by Alice no Takarabako, involving characters from Idomaster.  This primarily involves hypnosis/mind control to get the woman to think she’s a dog (and the associated dog cosplay).  I’m looking forward to volume 2, and I hope it involves the two women at the end.  Enjoy! (more…)

Nekomataya’s “Please Don’t Take Off Your Stage Clothes”

Time for the latest doujin from Nekomataya, once again an Idolmaster parody.  Enjoy! (more…)

Nekomataya’s “Healing Type Idol – Secret Rendezvous”

A lot of you will probably be drooling while waiting for this one to download. :) It’s great, and a brand new release, out just last month! (more…)

URC’s “i.D.M. Side B”

Another full color doujinshi, URC’s “Idol de M@sturbation Side B” was released during C73. Links and comments below the cut. (more…)

November 2007 Releases

The doujinshi I scanned in November consisted of two full color books by Muchi Muchi 7 and URC, as well as a copybon by Mekongdelta. (more…)