Archive for the 'scans' Category
Alice no Takarabako’s “The Animalm@ster Vol.4-6” [English]

HAPPY BUNNY YEAR! Now have some porn!
Part the Third

These three volumes of The Animalm@ster were translated by SaHa before I could get them scanned and commissioned, so Rarzor was kind enough to do the re-editing once I completed them.  Anyway, enjoy your hi-res cosplay pr0ns!

Incidentally, I’ve got a bunch of recent Alice no Takarabako to scan/rescan, and I ordered all of his C79 stuff, so expect a flood of delicious scans in the next few months.  I’ll probably commission a lot of them, too. (more…)

Behind Moon’s “The Maiden Raping My Sister 2 ~Futanari Elder~”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Eleventh

Here’s Behind Moon’s latest doujin, which is a sequel to the earlier doujin, “The Maiden Raping My Sister.”  Mmm, delicious schoolgirl futasex!  I’ve commissioned SaHa to translate this doujin, so I’ll get it posted when he finishes it.  I also noticed Behind Moon announced Dulce Report 13 for C79, so as soon as I’ll be getting that, scanning, and commissioning it, so look forward to it!  Enjoy!

I’ve also ordered a number of other C79 doujins, including the new Nao Kokonoki, so look forward to those scans, too! (more…)

Type.90’s “Petite Empire 2009 Winter”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Seventh

Here’s another Type.90 doujin for your fapping pleasure.  This is by far one of the best doujins he has done, IMO.  I’ll probably commission it sometime soon. Enjoy! (more…)

Mogudan’s “Extra Book 2”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Sixth

Here’s another Mogudan scan, this time a copybon.  Enjoy! (more…)

Type.90’s “Empire Hard Core 2009 Summer”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Fifth

Type.90 doujins feature some of the best gangbangs and completely-fucked expressions around. Enjoy this one! (more…)

Mogudan’s “Ayanami Chapter 3 Prebook”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Fourth

Here’s a rescan of a somewhat recent Mogudan book.  Enjoy! (more…)

Bang-You’s “H Complex”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Third

Let’s keep the party going here, with a third doujin primarily featuring Bang-You and characters from Hellsing. Enjoy! (more…)

UniniGumi’s “UDF”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.III!!
Part The Second

This is a slightly odd release because I accidentally posted it in the archives a little while ago without realizing I had not formally posted it, so for everyone other than the 60 people who already got it, here it is! Enjoy some yummy full color Dragon Quest porn! (more…)

Skirt-tuki’s “Sayla’s Sexual Excitement”

Let’s all give thanks for a bountiful helping of porn on this fine day!  Let’s have a second helping of Gundam porn, this time from the EFSF side.  :)  Mmm, tasty Sayla Mass.  Enjoy! (more…)

Hase Tsubura’s “Azure Heaven”

Let’s all give thanks for a bountiful helping of porn on this fine day!  This doujin features Ruri from Nadesico in a series of short stories (4-6 pages each or so); it may be a compilation of copybon or something.  Too bad it has no futa for smekt. (more…)

Aki Kitahara’s “Zeon Lost War Chronicles [Invisible Nights Ordinary Day] & [The Fall of Elehen]”

Let’s all give thanks for a bountiful helping of porn on this fine day!  Here’s another new doujin from Aki Kitahara/Secret Society M that I think was two individual copybon/short releases compiled into one book.  It features characters from one of the Gundam Side Story manga series.  Enjoy! (more…)

Bakunyu Fullnerson’s “Burn Her! Burn Her! Burn Her Again!!”

Don’t worry, there’s no actual burning in this doujin.  It does contain Bakunyu Fullnerson’s deliciously drawn large breasts, though.  Mmm, boobies.  Enjoy! (more…)

Cool Brain’s “Nenemix”

This doujin was Cool Brain’s release at C77.  I have a bunch more stuff by Cool Brain to scan, but a lot of it contains scat, unfortunately.  This one doesn’t though.  Enjoy! (more…)

Uninigumi’s “Kirino, You’re So Cute, Kirino!”

Sorry for the long absence.  I’ve been really busy and haven’t had a lot of time to work on scanning stuff.  Anyway, here’s a new scan of UniniGumi’s C78 doujin.  Enjoy!

Also, I got the new Behind Moon doujin, and I’ll be scanning and commissioning it soon. (more…)

ReDrop’s “Summer’s Asuka Book”

Mmmm, yummy C78 ReDrop.  The page join in this one was a pain, but I think it turned out pretty nice.  Enjoy! (more…)

Soundz of Bell’s “Yuni-Kuro 2”

So I was thinking to myself, “I need some delicious elves to fap to.”  Then I thought, “But I want some futa to fap to.”  And then, wham!  FUTAELVES APPEARED (in a shipping box from Japan, but that’s beside the point)!  DELICIOUS FUTAELVES!  FAP AWAY, MY MINIONS!

Okay, so you’re not really my minions.  If you were, you’d all be doing my scanning and I’d be sitting back taking the credit.  :o (more…)

Kensoh Ogawa’s “Rinko and You at a Midsummer Love Hotel”

Here’s my scan of Kensoh Ogawa’s C78 copybon.  I believe the “you” in the title means the reader is supposed to insert themself into the story.  Enjoy! (more…)

Insert’s “Female Pervert Mai Shiranui”

Here’s the last Insert doujin to post tonight.  It’s another copybon from C78, featuring Mai from King of Fighters.  Enjoy! (more…)

Insert’s “C78 Omake Book”

Okay, I said there were longer titles by Insert at C78, and this is it.  It is the omake book for the game, and as such, its name is included, making the full title this:
“My Personal Big Breasted Masturbation Maid -Instant Perverted Blowjob Face Cosplay & Bukkake-Makeup Bride Chapter- C78 Omake Book”

WHEN WILL THE INSANITY END?!  :)  Anyway, enjoy this copybon. (more…)

Insert’s “My Personal Big Breasted Masturbation Maid -Reika Himeno Collected Studies-“

Here’s an Insert copybon from C77.  It seems to be introducing a new character, but I haven’t seen her in any of the main stories yet, to my knowledge.  I’m on an Insert posting kick today, so expect some more after this.  Enjoy! (more…)