A while back, bubbadg finished his scan of my hardcopy of Distance’s My Slave in order to give Lhytiss the high-res scans for the translation. Well, bubbadg went through and re-edited the whole book and did some general QC’ing on it and posted it on his blog a few days ago. Go get it if you haven’t yet, it’ll be well worth your time.
Side note: He has a lot of Black Dog (among other things) rescans and re-edits available too, so do yourselves a favor and upgrade your copies. :D
A couple new scans have gone up of books I sent to other scanners.
First up, scanned by bubbadg, is Kahoru Yunagi’s “Brother and Sister.” He has also done some rescans of Punky Knight, Bondage Faeries, and some Black Dog doujins. They’re not my books, but get them anyway. :)
Second, Maxbigfoot scanned Shingo Hayabusa’s “Sweat & Tears.” He doesn’t have a blog, but here are the download links:
Rapidshare link
Megaporn link
Hotfile link
Some more books I’ve sent off to friends have been scanned, so I thought I’d link to them for you all.
The following are from bubbadg:
First up is Distance’s “My Slave.”
Next is Sena Youtaro’s “Hallow Hallow,” along with a re-edit of the english translation.
Then there is Distance’s “Michael Keikaku 1.”
Finally is Kahoru Yunagi’s “Kininaru Roommate 3.”
And from MaxBigfoot is Makoto Moriya’s “Mitsu-Tsubo.” He doesn’t have a blog, but you can leave him a comment on the Erotic Rapture forum or Bloodfer’s forum. Here are his download links:
Rapidshare link part 1
Rapidshare link part 2
Megaporn link
Mediafire link part 1
Mediafire link part 2
You can get bubbadg’s scan of my copy of Hallow Hallow at his blog. Enjoy!
Another of the tankoubon volumes I sent to bubbadg was Sei So Tsui Dan Sha, by Shiwasu no Okina. He has finished his scan of it, and you can grab it at his blog. Enjoy!
Well, as some people may be aware, I also have a fairly large collection of h-manga in addition to h-doujins. Many of them are unscanned, or scanned poorly/at a low res; however, I have no intention of doing them myself due to the effort involved as well as having my hands full with doujins. So in response to that, I’ve sent some out to a few people I know who do scan manga volumes. The first one to be completed and released is Take on Me 2 by Takemura Sessyu, which was scanned by bubbadg. You can grab it at his blog. He is also re-editing the translation using the new scan, so look forward to that.
One of my favorite artists, Simosi, updated his page with a new image from of Rise Kujikawa from Persona 4. To my knowledge, he has not published any doujinshi or worked on any anime/manga/games; however, his artwork is top-notch quality and beatifully colored. He frequently removes older artwork from his website, so if you’re interested in finding more of his pieces, you’re probably in for some searching. His main webpage is called Walpurgisnacht.
Also, I’ll be at Otakon this weekend. There won’t be anything distinguishing about me, unless you count reading something other than manga at an anime con distinguishing. :) I hope to post UniniGumi’s MSW2 either Friday or Saturday night, but it may get pushed off until Sunday or Monday, depending on what’s going on. I’ll also be getting more doujinshi, so expect another coverscan update.
Heads up my readers, cgrascal over at One of a Kind Productions translated my recent scan of Orange Soft’s C.C. Assortment! You can get it from his blog here.
C74 is nearing, so a number of artists and circles are beginning to update their sites in anticipation of the event. Kensoh Ogawa updated his website with the cover of his next doujinshi, which features Milly from Code Geass. And it is very hot, if you ask me. :)
Tonbo Kusanagi updated his page recently, and mentions he is participating Comitia 85, on August 24th. No new cover image, although there is a new top image and gallery image. I’m actually not sure exactly when he updated, since it’s been a few weeks since I visited. ^^;
Yuki Yanagi updated with the cover of a manga released last month, as well as the cover of her upcoming doujin, based on Macross Frontier. Awesome art from her, as usual! Definitely looking forward to it.
I didn’t even know Mogudan’s latest doujin had been scanned, and here it is translated by cgrascal! Nice way to end the week, eh? :)
Guess this means I won’t have to scan it when my copy arrives.
Just wanted to point out to everyone that desudesu recently released translations of two chapters of the manga “Virgin,” by one of my favorite artist’s, Nao Kokonoki. Here’s to hoping he, or others, continue to translate more works by Nao Kokonoki!
 Desudesu’s Weblog
Just wanted to alert everyone that cgrascal over at One of a Kind Productions has translated Muchi Muchi 7’s Muchi Muchi Angel Vol.14, which I scanned a few months ago. Anyway, what are you waiting for?! Go get it!