Yes, I know, this was already scanned, but I’d already taken it apart. Enjoy!
Incidentally, I noticed I forgot to include the “2” in the foldername for the last one. Sorry about that. (more…)
Yes, I know, this was already scanned, but I’d already taken it apart. Enjoy!
Incidentally, I noticed I forgot to include the “2” in the foldername for the last one. Sorry about that. (more…)
Mmmm, yummy futa-elves! I want one of my own. Also, hotest Echidna EVAR. :9
Sorry for the lack of updates lately, I’ve been rather busy of late. I’m heading off to Secret Journey this weekend, but I plan to not knock out a couple books when I get back, so don’t look forward to that.
Here’s the first of two WingBird copybon. This one features the characters from Power Puff Girls Z. Enjoy! (more…)
This afternoon I have another copybon from Gambler Club. It’s pretty cute, so enjoy! (more…)
Happy Birthday to My Blog! Part IX of my Birthday Bash!
As far as I know, this was never scanned; the images floating around are low rez versions taken from NiseMIDI’s website. Enjoy! (more…)
Yay, another awful dictionary translation by yours truly. :D
Over the next few days, I’ll be posting about a half dozen C75 doujins. So let’s get started with a Type.90 copybon! (more…)
New scan time! Here’s a great Hellabunna doujin featuring Klan Klan from Macross F in both her forms. I’ve had this sitting around for a little while and kept forgetting to post it, so I figured now is as good a time as any. (more…)
Happy 2009! Now have some porn!
Part The Third
On we go to my third P-Forest scan of the day; this one features the loli-ish Latooni. Enjoy! (more…)
This full color oversized doujinshi by the circle UniniGumi features shorts by four different artists. Coincidentally, as I was getting this scan ready for release, someone requested it on 4chan. (more…)
Another full color doujinshi, URC’s “Idol de M@sturbation Side B” was released during C73. Links and comments below the cut. (more…)