This doujin is an oddity; usually when there is a quality discrepency between the cover and the contents, it’s usually a matter of the cover being better. This one, however, I find to have a better drawn interior than the covers. If I’d *just* seen the cover, I’d have never bought it. Luckily there were preview pages available when I bought it. Enjoy! (more…)
It’s my birthday, so why am I giving YOU guys presents? Anyway, enjoy your magazine filled with busty women! (Plus futa, incest, shota, etc.)
Also, if anyone wishes to translate a chapter, let me know and I can get you the raw PNGs. (more…)
Yes, I know, this was already scanned, but I’d already taken it apart. Enjoy!
Incidentally, I noticed I forgot to include the “2” in the foldername for the last one. Sorry about that. (more…)
Here’s another commission courtesy of DesuDesu. Also from Shinzui 5, this is an unnamed chapter by one of my favorites, Nao Kokonoki. Enjoy your slutty wife-who-likes-it-up-the-ass porn! (more…)
Mmmm, yummy futa-elves! I want one of my own. Also, hotest Echidna EVAR. :9
Kouei-dou was until recently one of the more obscure futa artists, but a couple of translated books has brought his work to light. This one is a great Turn-A doujin featuring a dominant Diana and a submissive Kihel. Incredibly cute yet sexy character art, great sex scenes, and possibly some of the best reaction shots around. It also contains a double-page reprinting of Inferior 3 (also Turn-A) in the back for some reason. Enjoy! (more…)
Here’s my latest commission from SaHa. It’s one of my early scans, and one of the hotter Breath of Fire 3 doujinshi.
Omnomnom sexy horny Momo~~ (more…)
Here’s a new scan, this time a great futa doujin by Garyuh Chitai (Tana). It’s another in the Aki-Akane storyline. Contains Male on Futa on Futa and extreme bukkake, yum!
Also, I love this cover. :D (more…)
Here’s the second of two WingBird copybon, this time featuring Dirty Pair. Enjoy! (more…)
I decided to make this into one post, since each of the following three copybon are quite short at only four pages each. There is one by Kensoh Ogawa and two by Mizuyokan Brand. Enjoy! (more…)
The last chapter of Second Virgin, Anekata 2.5, is now done, and as a bonus, I have Anekata 3, published in Megastore Comics after Second Virgin was released. Much thanks to SaHa for his work completing this! I’d also like to thank Tonigobe for translating Anekata 1 & 2 (chapters 1 & 2) as well as Stecaz for translating Nagase First Time (chapter 6). Note that those chapters use the magazine scans since I’m waaaay too lazy to re-edit. Note that the full volume rar does not contain Anekata 3, since that was a separate publication.
Also, need moar Minamoto-sensei~ (more…)
Here’s the first of two Cobanzame (Koshow Showshow) copybon that were purchased by me but scanned by kuando. Cobanzame is one my favorite artists, so I hope you all enjoy! (more…)
Happy Birthday to Anonymous Scanner’s Blog! Part better than all of the other parts of his Birthday Bash!
Happy Birthday to My Blog! Part XII of my Birthday Bash! The grand finale!
The last doujin for the evening is volume 11 in the circle Axz’s Angel Stroke series. It features three short stories from different artists, all based on UC Gundam. Enjoy! (more…)
Happy Birthday to My Blog! Part IX of my Birthday Bash!
As far as I know, this was never scanned; the images floating around are low rez versions taken from NiseMIDI’s website. Enjoy! (more…)
Happy Birthday to My Blog! Part III of my Birthday Bash!
Here’s the second Macross F doujin by Haruki Genia, this time featuring primarily Sheryl along with a fabulously drawn Grace and some masturbating Ranka at the end. It’s a bit more out there than the previous one, but still good and mild compared to other doujinshi by this artist. Enjoy! (more…)