Archive for the 'Anal' Category
Skirt-tuki’s “KY”

One thing I like about Skirt-tuki is that he’s one of the few artists who does work based on 80s anime.  I much prefer his Gundam stuff, but the Dirty Pair doujins are great too.  Enjoy! (more…)

Shinnihon Pepsitou’s “Sakura Shoku” [English]

Here’s a new translation by Nameless Translator, with editing by Conan.  Enjoy! (more…)

Veto’s “Black Paradise Preparation Edition”

This doujin by Veto is basically an early release of a later doujin (which I do not have… yet); it’s based on Himekishi Lilia.  It’s kind of rough work, but still nice.  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapter 01 [English]

Here’s my latest on-going commission, courtesy of desudesu.  This is Mon-Mon’s most recent tankoubon, so you can expect large breasts, light bondage and domination, etc.  Many of the chapters tend to be fairly short (eight to twelve pages or so), but the artwork is great.  This first chapter is full color, and titled “Rape Classroom,” so that pretty much speaks for itself.

Mon-Mon tends to be published in the magazine Hana-Man Gold, but I can’t recall ever seeing scans.  Does anyone happen to have any copies?

Anyway, enjoy!


Type.90’s “Empire Color 2”

I tend to have tunnel vision while cleaning scans, focusing solely on imperfections that need to be fixed.  That’s why it took until just about now to realize this doujin has no text….

Also, pages that require joining that include fishnets = THE WORK OF SATAN.  Just puttin’ that out there. (more…)

Minazuki’s “Bitch, Witch, One Touch” [English]

Mmm, delicious Bayonetta x futa Jeanne, translated by the always lazy Nameless Translator and edited by Conan.  I’m sure smekt will love this one.  He does so love futa afterall.  Enjoy! (more…)

Type.90’s “Empire.Color”

One of two recent full-color doujins by Type.90, this features Yuki from Haruhi.  It contains flatchest, just for smekt.  Enjoy! (more…)

Jack-O’-Lantern’s “Jumonkousen” [English]

Here’s a brand new translation from Nameless Translator.  It’s a delicious Xenosaga futa doujin by one of our favorite artists, Jack O’ Lantern.  Enjoy watching Shion getting KOS-MOS dirty!

Also, Nameless Translator is looking for some editors.  If you’re interested, please post a comment here and include your email address in the specified field (it only shows up on the back-end) or email me and I’ll pass your address on to him.  Expect to either show some examples of your previous work or do a couple test pages to show your skills.  Thanks! (more…)

Behind Moon’s “Fuck Bang Juuketsu-chan!” [English]

Here’s a new translation I’ve commissioned from SaHa.  It’s Behind Moon’s most recent doujin, entitled “Fuck Bang Juuketsu-chan!”  Enjoy some delicious futanari! (more…)

Skirt-tuki’s “Artesia’s Shame”

Here’s Skirt-tuki’s C77 doujin; I’d already begun scanning it when the other one was posted, so I decided to finish it any way.  Enjoy! (more…)

Bang-You’s “How to Train Yoruneko – Collar Chapter”

I’ve had this sitting around for a while, but I completely forgot to post it.  I’d scanned it, but not cleaned it when the other scan came out.  Anyway, enjoy! (more…)

Nao Kokonoki’s “The Angel Within The Barrier” Chapter 05/Complete [English]

Here’s the final part of Nao Kokonoki’s first volume of “Angel Within the Barrier” (translation by SaHa as usual), plus the full book for those who waited.  The chapter 5 download includes the covers, etc., as does the full volume of course.  Make sure you check out the little 4koma on the dustjacket flaps!  :)

Sadly, the second volume of this has not been released yet, and I have yet to find good enough scans of the rest of the magazine chapters to commission, so it may be some time before the rest gets translated.

Finally, this blog has broken 1000 comments, so I want to thank everyone who has had kind things to say.  Thanks!

Now, without further ado, onto everyone’s favorite tentacle & futa manga! (more…)

Skirt-tuki’s “AEUG at Night”

Here’s another Skirt-tuki re-scan.  Enjoy your AEUG fuckfest!

I’m working on the C77 doujin from Skirt-tuki as well, so expect that within a week. (more…)

Shinama’s Untitled Chapter from Shinzui 5 [English]

Here’s another untitled chapter from one of the Shinzui anthologies, translation courtesy of desudesu.  This one is by Shinama, and involves delicious cowgirl cosplay.  Enjoy! (more…)

URC’s “Eas-Sama Nakewameeke”

This is URC’s release from C76, involving Eas from PreCure getting tentacle raped, as usual.  Enjoy! (more…)

Alemateorema’s “Garigari 19” [English]

Here’s my latest commission from desudesu, which was an incredible treat from C77.  I couldn’t believe someone actually did a Xenogears doujin, so I had to get it translated.  :)  What can I say, I’m a sucker for Elly, who is my favorite character across the board.  Now I just need to convince someone like Nao Kokonoki to do a doujin of her…  Enjoy!

Omnomnom, Elly~~~ (more…)

Insert’s “My Personal Big Breasted Masturbation Maid -Loaning Chapter-“

Here’s one of Insert’s C77 doujins, featuring Yui from his Masturbation Maid series.  Anyway, she goes to visit Asakura and surprise him with a new costume, but he seems to be having some sort of masturbation party featuring a video she made.  So, of course, it turns into a cocksucking party.  Anyway, the original scan wasn’t very good and, and the cover had a stupid watermark, so I decided to rescan it.  I have two others from Insert that I will be doing, as well.  Enjoy! (more…)

Nao Kokonoki’s “The Angel Within The Barrier” Chapter 04 [English]

Here’s another chapter of Angel Within the Barrier, from SaHa, of course.  The story progresses some more, and has lots more delicious Kokonoki tentacles.  Enjoy! (more…)

Kensoh Ogawa’s “Tricolore” [English]

Here’s my latest commission from desudesu; it’s one of Kensoh Ogawa’s doujins from C77.  This one has delicious busty mangaka sex.  Mmm, so delicious.  Enjoy! (more…)

Skirt-tuki’s “Earth Federation Sex Drill”

I’ve been working on a few projects recently, which is why there’s been a lack of updates recently.  Anyway, here’s a rescan of another Skirt-tuki book.  This one features Matilda giving the White base Girls training in blow jobs, etc.

What I’d REALLY like to see is some delicious three-way with Matilda, Sayla, and Amuro.  Anyway, enjoy! (more…)