Archive for the 'Kenichi Sonoda/Sonoda-ya' Category
Kenichi Sonoda & Q Shorts from Megaton Punch 11 [English]

Here’s another commission of mine from SaHa.  It is the two shorts by Kenichi Sonoda and Q from Sonoda’s anthology doujin Megaton Punch 11.  Ordinarily, I don’t like translating only parts of doujins, but I make exceptions for long anthologies. Enjoy! (more…)

Ganso Sonodaya’s “Megaton Punch 11”

Here’s a new scan for you all.  It’s an anthology by Kenichi Sonoda, and includes a wide range of artists, the vast majority of whom I don’t know.  Most artists only have a couple pages or four, but some are longer, including the parts by Kenichi Sonoda himself and Q.  Enjoy your delicious anthology-ness! (more…)

Kenichi Sonoda’s “Sonoken Hyoshi”

Merry Fucking Christmas, Mk.II!!
Part The Fifth

Here’s the fifth of my releases for Christmas 2009; in this case, a doujin by Kenichi Sonoda (character designer of Gunsmith Cats, among other things) that compiles a number of his covers for doujinshi releases over the years.  Enjoy! (more…)