Here’s another chapter of the My Personal Big Breasted Masturbation Maid saga! This one is pretty hot, featuring some nice new cosplay outfits. I’d like to see this translated by a good translator (any volunteers?)! :) Enjoy your paizuri and bukkake! (more…)
Here’s an absolutely massive doujin from Genetrix, featuring a whole bunch of characters. Not sure if they are original or not, though. Anyway, the first third or so includes character and setting descriptions, with the rest made up still images and short story segments, mostly hentai, of course. Latter part of the doujin consists of images from various artists (and includes their Pixiv IDs!). Enjoy! (more…)
I’ve been partnering with various translators, scanning things they want to work on and holding off on posting until they have the translation almost ready. So here is the list of those items for quick reference! I’ve included Hotfile links (click the images) for quick access, but if you’d rather give download hits to the translators, follow the links to the blog pages and download them there. Enjoy!