Archive for August 26th, 2010
STICKY: Archive Downloads

My Megaupload account appears to have been hit by a link deleter, so virtually all of my MU links no longer work.  In the coming days, I’ll probably reupload some of the recent ones, but I also decided to start maintaining a Hotfile folder, so it is easier to access all the older downloads.  It should also be easier to maintain.  Currently, all I’ve put in the folder are the files I currently had on Hotfile, but I’ll get the rest up there over the next week or so.

Hotfile Archive Folder
Megaupload Archive Folder

I may add some subfolders to better sort it at some point.  Please feel free to suggest your personal preference for how the files are sorted.  Also once I have everything uploaded, let me know if anything is missing.

EDIT (09/23): The vast majority of files are up now, and I’ve added a Megaupload folder.  There’s still some straggler files I’ve misplaced, but I’ll get them uploaded as soon as I can.