Archive for August 25th, 2010
Koshow Showshow’s “Enticed By a Naughty Lady” Chapter 01 [English]

This is the start of a new commission of mine, with translation by SaHa.  Koshow Showshow is one of my favorite mangakas, although it is extremely difficult to get a hold of his work, sadly.  Most of his doujins, released under the circle Cobanzame, are in dire need of rescanning.  This new tankoubon focuses on horny adult women with large breasts, such as OLs.  This chapter, titled “Current Tokyo Job Search Situation,” features a newly-graduated woman, named Miki, staying with her friend’s brother while she looks for a job, and decides to offer her “services” as rent.  I’d certainly rent a room to her…  Enjoy! (more…)

Mon-Mon’s “Labyrinth of Shame” Chapter 06 [English]

Here’s another chapter of delicious Mon Mon kinky sluts, translated by desudesu.  This chapter features a woman who wants to go out with her boyfriend rather than staying in, which leads to exhibitionism, of course!  Enjoy! (more…)