Archive for January 11th, 2010
Kaiten Sommelier’s “18 Kaiten Mouth and Ass Toughness” [English]

Here’s another scan with a complementary translation courtesy of Nameless Translator!  This is very nice Daphne in the Brilliant Blue doujin, by Kaiten Sommelier, who does some incredibly nice artwork.  Enjoy your delicious Shizuka assfucking~ (more…)

Skirt-tuki’s “Blonde Hair Amulet” [English]

Desudesu translated this on commission for Lord G, but the existing scans were crap.  I had started to rescan it at that point, so I offered to re-edit the English version.  Here’s the original post by desudesu if you want to tell him thanks for the translation.  Enjoy your Gundam novels spoof! (more…)

Alraune’s Untitled Shinzui 8 Chapter [English]

Here’s another commission from Desudesu; this time it is another excerpt from one of the Shinzui anthologies.  The author for this one is Alraune, probably better known to most of you as Orange Soft.  It involves happy sex between a student and her homeroom teacher.  Enjoy! (more…)