For the C.C. fans out there, I have a very nice full color doujin by Orange Soft. It showcases C.C. in a number of different outfits (although sadly my favorite is only in one panel), such as her school uniform and a school swimsuit. (more…)
This doujin is one of the prettier ones I’ve seen in a while; especially the cover. Pretty girls in pretty dresses playing instruments, woohoo! :) (more…)
I don’t have a lot to say about this doujinshi; it’s fairly short and doesn’t contain a lot of hentai material. In fact, there’s quite a bit of text and it is mostly just a series of images from various sources. However, the artwork is very well done, which is the main reason I bought and scanned it.
Note: The title is written in Chinese and is apparently a slogan from anti-Japanese demonstrations; I’m assuming it’s a parody.
One of my favorite artists, Kunihiko Tanaka, is soon releasing his first artbook (due out in November), titled Ryu-Kotsu. Even if you don’t know his name, you’ll probably know some of his work. He is the primary character designer of Xenogears, Xenosaga, Key the Metal Idol, as well as creator of Hoi Hoi San and Fam & Ihrie (aka Ruin Explorers). He is also currently working on promotional art for the upcoming Sega DS game World Destruction. I haven’t been this excited about a new artbook for a long time. :)
Official sites for the artbook:
So far I’ve only found it available for pre-order it from Play-asia:
Here’s a scan I know a number of people will be interested in. It’s a recent Spice and Wolf doujin by the team of Nicomark (Minazuki Juuzoh) and Knockout, along with two other guest artists. (more…)
My latest scan is a doujin calendar from 2005 by Type90, a great artist who has a very distinctive and detailed art style. The images are just ecchi rather than hentai for the most part; but still quite hot. (more…)
Here’s a great full color doujin by Mizuyokan Brand of the Yes!PreCure 5 characters, particularly Karen. It’s short, but incredibly hot. (more…)
Update time, AX Loot Edition! (more…)
Hey all, I’m heading off to Anime-Expo today. I have a bunch of unprocessed scans to work on, so I may get some items posted while I’m there, but no guarantees. :)